Please feel free to complete this form to receive full information
How to find us :
Métro Ligne 1, station Porte Maillot ou Sablons (sortie Place du Marché)
RER C, station Porte Maillot

21 rue du Midi
92200 Neuilly sur Seine, FRANCE

Tel : 00 33 (0)1 46 37 59 79
E-mail :


Company Name


Contact name



What type of services are you interested in?
VAT registration in FranceVAT refund claimsVAT returnsDeclaration of real estate capital gains

What will your business activity be in France (specify the flows of your transactions) ?

Estimated annual quantity of purchases and sales invoices to be declared in France :

Estimated yearly turnover to be declared in France (sales in France and supplies of goods shipped from France) :

Other information (please ask your questions) :